“A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half cracked.”
My girlfriends happen to be among THE most amazing women on this planet! They have added fun and laughter, encouragement and unparalleled prayer support during the best and worst seasons of my life. I love them with a passion that defies description and pray God rains down His favor on them. Should He choose to send us all on a fully paid, month-long beach vacation somewhere that is blissfully warm, AND allow us all to look magnificently well in our bathing suits…well, I’d appreciate that too J!
In honor of their FABULOUSNESS, here are The Top 20 Things I LOVE About My Girlfriends. I LOVE That My Girlfriends:
1. Understand that chocolate is NOT an option.
2. Believe that calories don’t count if you share the desert.
3. Challenge, encourage, and inspire me in ridiculous amounts.
4. Commiserate with me the effects of hormones, time & gravity.
5. Don’t edit all my exclamation marks!!!
6. Come to my rescue when I’m in over my head.
7. Never make me talk WHILE I’m crying.
8. Care about me and those I love.
9. Hold my hand, let me cry, clean my house, feed my family, & cover me in prayer when my world falls apart.
10. Think I’m funnier, smarter, and far more talented than I really am J
11. Send me sympathy cards when my animals die.
12. Come in all shapes & sizes, color & chronological age.
13. Buy tacky cards and great presents for my birthday.
14. Treat me like I’m family – the family that they like!
15. Let me ramble. And ramble. And ramble.
16. Are warm, witty, fun, friendly, deep, purposeful, kind, caring, & faithful.
17. Come when I call.
18. Don’t make me explain how I got from one thought to another.
19. Love me, just as I.
20. Let me love them.
I LOVE My Girlfriends!
Really Relating
What is one thing you most appreciate about your friends? Go ahead, brag on ‘em!
I am just glad...oh SO glad, to be counted among them. You are an unspeakable blessing. I'm with you on this 100%...My girlfriends make my life sweet. For all these reasons you've outlined here and more. I continue to thank God, every single day, for the blessing of friendship.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful!!! The older I get, the more I cherish my girlfriends and my time with them! Thank you God for wonderful girlfriends!
ReplyDeleteTime with them does become more precious, doesn't it, Tracy?!?! I totally understand that, especially knowing what your season of life looks like right now :) BUT...I can absolutely, positively promise you this: IF you'll keep making the effort it takes to get together with and to nurture like-hearted, fun, God-honoring friendships with your girlfriends...you will reap AND give some extraordinarily beautiful blessings. It will be MORE than worth your time, attention, and care. Love to you!
ReplyDeleteThe other day, I had a major heart to heart with a dear friend who is mired in a full-fledge mid-life crisis. I didn't remind her, but she helped ground me during a similiar moment a few years back. True friends allow us to be about as bare nekkid emotionally as we can be with anyone on this earth and still love us, pray for us and most impt. keep their mouths shut tight. True godly friends are some of life's most precious treasures. Love this post. jamie
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jamie. You're so right about the gift of true godly friends. Women who sharpen us are a beautiful thing! And, as far as being "bare nekkid" (smile), I don't think there's anything I appreciate more in a friend than transparency. Have you ever noticed how much easier it is to be real with someone who is real with you?! It's as if transparency begets transparency. As women, I think we're so apt to only want to show what we think we make others think well of us. Which ends us kicking us in the tail, of course :o) We end up feeling unknown, while it's our fault that we're only revealing parts of ourself :o( Silly girls.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I'm grateful we've become online friends :o) Thank you for that blessing!