Friday, January 22, 2010

Bible Study Resources

“Your words were found and I ate them,
And Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart…”
Jeremiah 15:16

Nothing yummier than truly tasting God’s Word! In my last post, How to A.P.P.L.Y. God’s Word, I shared an acrostic I created that’s helped me to slow down and more personally feast on the flavors of Scripture. But because there’s a plethora of great Bible Study resources available today, I thought I’d share some of my other current favs:

Can We Talk?: soul-stirring conversations with God, Priscilla Shirer (Lifeway Press)
Powerhouse Bible teacher Priscilla Shirer’s latest Bible Study (or un-Bible Study, as she calls it), this workbook focuses on her 5 Ps to Hearing God Through Scripture. The women I’m going through it with now are loving it! You can peak at the free downloadable Leaders Guide and find her 5 Ps there.

A Modern Girl’s Guide to Bible Study: A Refreshingly Unique Way to Look at God's Word, Jen Hatmaker (NavPress)
“Refreshing” is definitely the adjective for this book and author. Written in an extremely girl-friendly voice, Jen Hatmaker is a hoot! She gives authenticity new meaning and combines solid Biblical chops with some of the most practical tips and examples I’ve ever seen. Not a book to be just read, Jen has put it together in a way that allows you to work through the methods as you go. You’ll be shocked to see how fun studying your Bible can be J!

Personal Bible Study Methods: 12 Ways to Study the Bible on Your Own, Rick Warren (Zondervan)
With over 75,000 copies of this book in print, Rick could not have made it easier for us to study our Bibles. Seriously. Each chapter highlights one
Method of Bible Study, gives an example of a study using it, then gives permission to copy a blank form for that study. Very gracious of him and good news for us. Not an extra word used here – practicality at it’s best.

How to Study Your Bible: The Lasting Rewards of the Inductive Method, Kay Arthur (Harvest House Publishers)
Getting serious with God’s Word is what this lady is all about. Pull out your colored pencils and get ready to learn how to take God’s Word apart piece by piece. Nobody does it better than Kay!

You can also find free online resources to help you study @:

Let these resources help you take a bite out of God’s Word and apply it to your life. You’re in for far more than a tasty treat. Joy and delight are headed your way!

Really Relating
I’d love to hear what resources have most helped you. Please do let us all know!


  1. I've received several great Bible Study tips, but noticed they aren't being posted here :o('s some of them:
    * - my friend Megan is addicted to this site
    by Chip Ingram! As a pastor, leader of an international teaching &
    discipleship ministry, and former head of Walk Through the Bible,
    this man knows his Bible and is a fabulous teacher. Great resources
    on his site!

    * They have an Interlinear Bible under "Study
    Resources" that rocks. You can look up the original Hebrew and
    cross reference other uses.

    * Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible - key words are numbered
    throughout, making it extremely easy to follow to the numbered
    original definitions in the Hebrew & Greek dictionaries in the back
    of this Bible. I've found this help addictive in the very best of ways.

    * a spouse with a seminary degree (not really practical for those of
    us who are already married to non-seminarians, but it was a
    suggestion, nonetheless :))

    Keep the suggestions coming, please! We can never get enough help and encouragement to get personal with God. Happy studying!

    Because of Him,

  2. Hi Vickey, I bumped into your blog some time last year and had been following since then. I must thank you for sharing these wonderful resources.... I'm a learner. My deep desire is to know Him deeply and fulfill His Plans and purposes in my life. Your recent posts have been very encouraging....Blessings!

  3. Thanks, Ruthy. I'm thrilled you're here, but I'm even more excited that you're going deeper in your relationship with God! Thanks for following me and please do let me know if I can help you with Him :)
    Because of Him,
